Suspension Servicing
When & Why?
Forks and shocks should receive a basic service every 50 hours of use, and a full service every 200 hours of use. This is only a guideline; if you ride in locations that are extremely dusty, sandy (like Woburn!) or muddy then you may need to service your fork and shock sooner.
Keeping your suspension subtle and smooth is probably the thing that makes the biggest difference to how well your bike feels and rides.
Front fork lower leg basic service (50hr service): £40 (+ parts if needed, usually £30-40).
Front fork full service (200hr service): £140.
Rear shock air can service (50hr service): £40 (+ parts if needed, usually £30-40)..
Rear shock full service (200hr service): £140.
No crazy wait times, full services are normally completed within 3-5 days so you can get back out on the trails sooner.